Engaged Faculty Fellows

The Office of Civic and Community Engagement will award 5 summer stipends of $2,500 each to faculty who commit to creating courses that incorporate a significant component of civic engagement and community engaged learning into the course curriculum. Proposed courses must meet the criteria established for Academic Service Learning courses at the University of Miami. These are courses that link the classroom and community through hands-on, experiential education that is transformative. They should:

  • Promote the interrelationship of teaching, research, and service through theory, action and reflection in response to community needs.
  • Develop and translate academic knowledge, critical thinking, and community engagement into civic responsibility.
  • Foster mutually beneficial collaborations between the university and the community to promote positive social change.
  • Incorporate reflection on the relationship between the community-based component and academic coursework into the course curriculum.
  • Outline community-engaged learning objectives in the student learning outcomes.

The course can be an existing one that is refashioned to include a community-engaged learning component or an entirely new course. Recipients of the awards must commit to teaching the class at least three times over the next five years. Faculty will participate in a workshop that introduces them to key concepts and practices in civic engagement and community-engaged learning, and also will take part in a follow-up panel discussion about their experiences in developing the syllabi and teaching the courses. The Engaged Faculty Fellows Award Program is open to full-time University faculty who are engaged in undergraduate teaching and who have not participated in the program in the past.

Applications for the Engaged Faculty Fellows Program are now due Friday, February 28, 2025 at 5:00 pm EST. Please email us at civicengagement@miami.edu for more information.
