Affordable Housing and Community Development Initiative

Miami’s complex history of housing inequities has culminated in an affordability crisis that currently grapples the city.

By leveraging University of Miami resources, the Office of Civic and Community Engagement (CCE) works to address this crisis. CCE strives to create reciprocal and collaborative partnerships, which has resulted in harnessing big data through freely accessible digital tools to enhance public participation and engagement in issues related to affordable housing, urban resiliency, and neighborhood dynamics.  

Tree Canopy FactsheetOne of our many factsheets from the extreme heat series


Our partnerships have enabled us to identify community needs, develop strategies for solutions, and translate local activism into effective public policy. Through the Affordable Housing and Community Development initiative, CCE hosts public lectures, workshops and symposia on the historical and contemporary context for affordable housing, from both local and national perspectives. 

Community Scholars Program

Previous Community Scholars Cohort 

CCE created the Miami Housing Solutions Lab, a suite of free, interactive online tools that uses big data and innovative mapping technology to visualize the landscape and intersections of affordable housing and climate change in Miami.


MHSL CAMP update thumbnail

See our latest updates to the MAP tool, including heat indicators  

Our projects continue to grow in scope as our office works to make sense of these “wicked problems.” CCE has received around $2.5 million in funding over the years for its projects thanks to our vital funding sources.  

Click here for a list of our sponsors

