
Community Engaged-Learning Courses are courses that link the classroom and community through transformative, hands-on, and experiential education that is transformative. These courses:

  • Promote the interrelationship of teaching, research, and service through theory, action, and reflection in response to community needs.
  • Develop and translates academic knowledge, critical thinking, and community engagement into civic responsibility.
  • Foster mutually beneficial collaborations between the university and the community to promote positive social change.
  • Incorporate reflection on the relationship between the community-based component and academic course work into the course curriculum.
  • Outline service learning objectives in the student learning outcomes.

Search CaneLink to view and register for service-learning (CIVIC) designated courses for the current semester. In the “Attribute” pull-down menu, click “CIVIC” to get a list of all current-semester community engaged-learning courses!

Below is detailed information on Community Engaged-Learning courses across all schools and disciplines that have a civic and/or community engagement component. Please note that although regularly updated, the list provided is not exhaustive and courses listed may not be offered every semester. 
