Engaged Scholarship Resources

Engaged scholarship is scholarship that puts the academic resources of the university to work in solving pressing public problems and thereby contributing to the public good. Within the broad category of engaged scholarship are two main areas of focus:

Academic Service-Learning: 
Courses that link the classroom and community through hands-on, experiential education that is transformative. These courses: 

  • Promote the interrelationship of teaching, research, and service through theory, action, and reflection in response to community needs.
  • Develop and translates academic knowledge, critical thinking, and community engagement into civic responsibility.
  • Foster mutually beneficial collaborations between the university and the community to promote positive social change.
  • Incorporate reflection on the relationship between the community-based component and academic coursework into the course curriculum.
  • Outline service learning objectives in the student learning outcomes.

Community-Based Research: 
Research projects undertaken by faculty and students in collaboration with community organizations that respond to community-identified needs, promote civic engagement, and enrich the scholarship of the institution.

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