A Tale of Two Cities 2010: Civic Health in Miami and Minneapolis-St.Paul
Miami is ranked extremely poorly according to this study in terms of civic health, report by the National Council on Citizenship: 2010
Soul of the Community 2010: Miami
A look into what attaches people to place for Miami residents, report by the Knight Foundation: 2010
Knight Commission on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy: Sustaining Democracy in the Digital Age
A strategic analysis of information and democratic self-government in the digital age, report by the Aspen Institute: 2009
The 2006 Report on the Nation’s Civic Health
A survey measuring the attitudes towards and engagement with government of youth in the US, report by Center for Information and Research on Civic Learning and Engagement (CIRCLE): 2006
Searching for Civil Society
Discussion of the declining role of civil society in the US, article by Benjamin R. Barber in the National Civic Review: Spring 1995
Civic Engagement & Community Information: Five Strategies to Revive Civic Communication
A strategic analysis of how to improve civic information flows, report by Peter Levine and published by the Knight Commission on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy: 2011
How Colleges Ignite Civic Engagement
Voter drives, community organizing, service learning, and new course offerings connect them with the world beyond campus gates.
A Crucible Moment: College Learning & Democracy’s Future
A national call to action designed to make civic and democratic learning an expected outcome for every college student, and an integrated part of education from pre-school to professional schools, authored by the National Task Force on Civic Learning and Democratic Engagement: 2012
Pursuing Franklin’s Dream: Philosophical and Historical Roots of Service-Learning
A historical and philosophical background for academic service-learning as well as some significant debates within the movement, article by Ira Harkavy and Matthew Hartley in the American Journal of Community Psychology 46: 2010
New Times Demand New Scholarship: Research Universities and Civic Engagement
A look into how research universities can take a leadership role through civic engagement, conference report published by Campus Compact and Tufts University: 2006
Wingspread Declaration on Renewing the Civic Mission of the American Research University
Document created from the collaborative Wingspread conference as to how to re-energize the civic missions of research universities, report by Harry Boyte and Elizabeth Hollander, published by Campus Compact: 1999
Civic Engagement in Higher Education
John S. O’Connor
Higher Education and Social Change
A proposed agenda for higher education in its social context, article by John Brennan in Higher Education 56: 2008
Civic Professionalism
An examination of the role that engaged faculty can play in democratic society, article by Harry C. Boyte and Eric Fretz in the Journal of Higher Education of Outreach and Engagement 14.2: 2010
Full Participation: Building the Architecture for Diversity and Public Engagement on Campus
A multi-organizational effort to integrate people working under the umbrella of equity, diversity and inclusion with those working under the umbrella of community, public and civic engagement, paper by Susan Sterm et al., 2011.
Scholarship in Public: Knowledge Creation and Tenure Policy in the Engaged University
A report by Julie Ellison and Timothy K. Eatman, 2011.
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