Listening and Learning: Understanding Climate Gentrification through Community Conversations


downtown miami roadway flooded with man crossing street downtown miami roadway flooded with man crossing street

Diane Shelley, principal deputy assistant secretary of fair housing and equal opportunity at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). Photo credit: Jenny Abreu

Lisa Rice, president and CEO of the National Fair Housing Alliance. Photo credit: Jenny Abreu

Camila Zablah, CCE's Senior Program Manager, notes recommendations prioritizing housing and climate solutions. Photo Credit; Jenny Abreu

Featured Links

Take time to reflect and share your perspective on housing affordability, neighborhood change, and climate gentrification. Through HistoryMiami Museum's Miami Stories Initiative, participants can record their stories by stepping into the Miami Stories Recording Booth or participating in other story sharing opportunities. Your contribution will be preserved in the museum's archive and shared online. 

Further Insights

Cultivating equitable and resilient housing solutions for Miami

A symposium organized by the Office of Civic and Community Engagement explored how climate gentrification is impacting Miami and aims to inspire future policy solutions.