Civic Scholars Program

Civic Scholars Flyer

The UM Civic Scholars Program encourages students to become engaged citizens and to cultivate their capacity to create positive social change in their communities. Students interested in civic and community engagement, volunteer service, and leadership development have the opportunity to participate in the program and be designated UM Civic Scholars. The University of Miami encourages civic engagement and community-based learning through a variety of courses, research projects, and co-curricular programs. Academically, community-based courses and research opportunities are available each semester, in addition to internships with local community organizations. Students also may engage in co-curricular service activities through more than 40 service-based student organizations and volunteer service projects. Through these efforts, we can leverage the resources of the University to address pressing needs in our local, national, and global communities. 

The UM Civic Scholars Program affords students the opportunity to develop civic leadership skills and translate their academic interests into real-world problem-solving skills. This program is offered through the Office of Civic and Community Engagement and the William R. Butler Center for Volunteer Service and Leadership Development at the University of Miami. Students completing the program will receive:

Sign up for more information about this exciting new opportunity!

Enrollment Instructions

In order for a student to enroll in the Civic Scholars program, they must join the Civic Scholars Engage page and enroll in the program's Blackboard page. The Engage portal is used to track the student’s co-curricular activities, and the Blackboard site is used to track academic requirements.

A student can request enrollment by:


  • Maintain a minimum GPA of 3.0
  • Complete four three-credit CIVIC community-engaged learning courses
    • One of which is a required School of Education Course, EPS 321: Understanding Human Service Organizations or EPS 361: Community Psychology and Development
    • Three other CIVIC courses of the student's choice
      • One of these courses must have a focus on South Florida
      • Students may appeal for courses with CIVIC designation to apply to this program. In these cases, the student should write a memo justifying the inclusion of the course and have it approved and signed by Dr. Robin Bachin, Founding Director for Civic and Community Engagement. The signed memo must be attached to the completed tracking form.
  • Complete a focused capstone project (typically during junior year) that helps build capacity within a community organization. This may consists of the following:
    • Internship with an approved community organization through the Toppel Internship Program
    • One-semester community-based research project approved through the Office of Civic and Community Engagement
    • Community-based senior thesis project
  • Enroll in a 5 week Reflections Seminar during your final spring semester at UM which includes a Presentation of Learning component
  • Participate in at least three co-curricular service and leadership development experiences

Service and Leadership Development Experiences

Learning and Leadership Immersion 
First Year U 
Engaged Community Immersion Experiences 
UM Alternative Breaks 
Miami International Outreach 
Study Abroad Experience with Service Focus 

Leadership Development Opportunities 
Whitely Women's Leadership Symposium
Leadership Conferences 
IMPACT Leadership Retreat 
ACC Leadership Symposium
Clinton Global Initiative University Conference

Other experiences must receive approval by the Butler Center

UM Civic Scholars Program Resources

Sign up for more information
